
Free Fibre Internet To Schools





      Fontel is committed to moving South Africa forward and contributing to the objectives of the national broadband strategy.


      Fontel will install a free uncapped fibre Internet to every registered primary and high school we pass when deploying our network.


      providing broadband connectivity to schools is one way in which the company is giving back to the communities in which it deploys its network.


      We at Fontel we believe our children are the future and it is vital that we connect them to the information age.


      fibre connection has massive impact on e-learning initiatives at the school.


      Schools are lagging behind in the digital age because the cost of bandwidth has traditionally been so prohibitive.




Benefits for schools:


  • Information at your fingertips for research, projects and knowledge gathering
  • Introduce e-learning systems
  • Host your admin and email systems in the cloud so that you no longer need to maintain a server on site
  • Stay connected with tablet learning programmes and get through lessons faster and more seamlessly
  • Schools are financially constrained and cannot afford computer-trained IT professionals, infrastructure maintenance and hardware costs
  • Assign funds previously reserved for internet connectivity to other areas of the school


How does my school qualify?


In order to qualify for the Fontel School Programme, the following conditions must be met:


  1. The school must fall inside a Fontel area
  2. The Fontel fibre optic network must run past the school
  3. The school must be a Primary School or High School registered with the IEB or NWDE.


Get in touch


If your school qualifies and falls into Fontel network area and you would like to find out more about getting superfast free fibre Internet, please drop us an email via schools@Fontel.co.za.

